Emergent Mind

Distributed Optimization of Clique-Wise Coupled Problems via Three-Operator Splitting

Published Oct 28, 2023 in math.OC , cs.SY , and eess.SY


In this study, we explore distributed optimization problems with clique-wise coupling through the lens of operator splitting. This framework of clique-wise coupling extends beyond conventional pairwise coupled problems, encompassing consensus optimization and formation control, and is applicable to a wide array of examples. We first introduce a matrix, called the clique-wise duplication (CD) matrix, which enables decoupled reformulations for operator splitting methods and distributed computation. Leveraging this matrix, we propose a new distributed optimization algorithm via Davis-Yin splitting (DYS), a versatile three-operator splitting method. We then delve into the properties of this method and demonstrate how existing consensus optimization methods (NIDS, Exact Diffusion, and Diffusion) can be derived from our proposed method. Furthermore, being inspired by this observation, we derive a Diffusion-like method, the clique-based projected gradient descent (CPGD), and present Nesterov's acceleration and in-depth convergence analysis for various step sizes. The paper concludes with numerical examples that underscore the efficacy of our proposed method.

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