Emergent Mind

Using GPT-4 to Augment Unbalanced Data for Automatic Scoring

Published Oct 25, 2023 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.CY


Machine learning-based automatic scoring can be challenging if students' responses are unbalanced across scoring categories, as it introduces uncertainty in the machine training process. To meet this challenge, we introduce a novel text data augmentation framework using GPT-4, a generative large language model, specifically tailored for unbalanced datasets in automatic scoring. Our experimental dataset comprised student-written responses to two science items. We crafted prompts for GPT-4 to generate responses resembling student-written answers, particularly for the minority scoring classes, to augment the data. We then finetuned DistillBERT for automatic scoring based on the augmented and original datasets. Model performance was assessed using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. We incorporate varied amounts of augmented data to examine scoring performance, and our findings revealed remarkedly improved model performance. The average maximum increase observed across two items is: 3.5% for accuracy, 30.6% for precision, 21.1% for recall, and 24.2% for F1 score. Notably, using just 5% of the augmented data led to substantial improvements: 2.6%, 29.2%, 15.1%, and 19.6%. Interestingly, the extent of improvement varied depending on specific datasets. Moreover, we found that a varying amount of augmented data (5%-40%) was needed to obtain a stable improvement. We also compare models trained with GPT-4 augmented data and those trained with additional student-written responses. The findings indicate that former ones match or even exceed the performance of the latter. Specifically, there is an average difference of 1.7%, 1.9%, 11.0%, and 7.8% for four metrics separately. This research underscores the potential and effectiveness of data augmentation techniques utilizing GPT-4 in addressing unbalanced datasets within automated assessment.

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