Emergent Mind

Addressing GAN Training Instabilities via Tunable Classification Losses

Published Oct 27, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.IT , math.IT , and stat.ML


Generative adversarial networks (GANs), modeled as a zero-sum game between a generator (G) and a discriminator (D), allow generating synthetic data with formal guarantees. Noting that D is a classifier, we begin by reformulating the GAN value function using class probability estimation (CPE) losses. We prove a two-way correspondence between CPE loss GANs and $f$-GANs which minimize $f$-divergences. We also show that all symmetric $f$-divergences are equivalent in convergence. In the finite sample and model capacity setting, we define and obtain bounds on estimation and generalization errors. We specialize these results to $\alpha$-GANs, defined using $\alpha$-loss, a tunable CPE loss family parametrized by $\alpha\in(0,\infty]$. We next introduce a class of dual-objective GANs to address training instabilities of GANs by modeling each player's objective using $\alpha$-loss to obtain $(\alphaD,\alphaG)$-GANs. We show that the resulting non-zero sum game simplifies to minimizing an $f$-divergence under appropriate conditions on $(\alphaD,\alphaG)$. Generalizing this dual-objective formulation using CPE losses, we define and obtain upper bounds on an appropriately defined estimation error. Finally, we highlight the value of tuning $(\alphaD,\alphaG)$ in alleviating training instabilities for the synthetic 2D Gaussian mixture ring as well as the large publicly available Celeb-A and LSUN Classroom image datasets.

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