Emergent Mind

Learning Transfers over Several Programming Languages

Published Oct 25, 2023 in cs.CL


LLMs have become remarkably good at improving developer productivity for high-resource programming languages. These models use two kinds of data: large amounts of unlabeled code samples for pre-training and relatively smaller amounts of labeled code samples for fine-tuning or in-context learning. Unfortunately, many programming languages are low-resource, lacking labeled samples for most tasks and often even lacking unlabeled samples. Therefore, users of low-resource languages (e.g., legacy or new languages) miss out on the benefits of LLMs. Cross-lingual transfer uses data from a source language to improve model performance on a target language. It has been well-studied for natural languages, but has received little attention for programming languages. This paper reports extensive experiments on four tasks using a transformer-based LLM and 11 to 41 programming languages to explore the following questions. First, how well does cross-lingual transfer work for a given task across different language pairs. Second, given a task and target language, how should one choose a source language. Third, which characteristics of a language pair are predictive of transfer performance, and how does that depend on the given task. Our empirical study with 1,808 experiments reveals practical and scientific insights, such as Kotlin and JavaScript being the most transferable source languages and different tasks relying on substantially different features. Overall, we find that learning transfers well across several programming languages.

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