Emergent Mind


A long-standing goal of AI systems is to perform complex multimodal reasoning like humans. Recently, LLMs have made remarkable strides in such multi-step reasoning on the language modality solely by leveraging the chain of thought (CoT) to mimic human thinking. However, the transfer of these advancements to multimodal contexts introduces heightened challenges, including but not limited to the impractical need for labor-intensive annotation and the limitations in terms of flexibility, generalizability, and explainability. To evoke CoT reasoning in multimodality, this work first conducts an in-depth analysis of these challenges posed by multimodality and presents two key insights: "keeping critical thinking" and "letting everyone do their jobs" in multimodal CoT reasoning. Furthermore, this study proposes a novel DDCoT prompting that maintains a critical attitude through negative-space prompting and incorporates multimodality into reasoning by first dividing the reasoning responsibility of LLMs into reasoning and recognition and then integrating the visual recognition capability of visual models into the joint reasoning process. The rationales generated by DDCoT not only improve the reasoning abilities of both large and small language models in zero-shot prompting and fine-tuning learning, significantly outperforming state-of-the-art methods but also exhibit impressive generalizability and explainability.

Comparison of existing multimodal CoT methods with DDCoT on generalizability and performance in different scenarios.


  • The paper introduces Duty-Distinct Chain-of-Thought (DDCoT) prompting for enhancing multimodal reasoning in AI systems, effectively integrating visual and language-based information.

  • DDCoT employs innovative techniques like negative-space prompting and the multimodal division of labor, dividing multimodal reasoning tasks into reasoning and recognition responsibilities to improve accuracy and reliability.

  • Through experimental results, DDCoT demonstrates significant performance improvements in zero-shot and fine-tuning scenarios, showing robust capabilities in multimodal reasoning over traditional methods.

Duty-Distinct Chain-of-Thought (DDCoT) Prompting for Multimodal Reasoning in Language Models

The paper "DDCoT: Duty-Distinct Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Multimodal Reasoning in Language Models" addresses notable challenges in achieving complex multimodal reasoning in AI systems. Unlike previous research primarily focusing on chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning within the language modality, DDCoT extends these advancements to multimodal contexts, efficiently integrating visual and language-based information.

Analysis and Core Contributions

The foremost challenge in multimodal CoT reasoning is the impractical need for labor-intensive annotation, limited flexibility, generalizability, and explainability of existing methods. The authors provide two key insights: “keeping critical thinking” and “letting everyone do their jobs” in multimodal CoT reasoning. They introduce the innovative Duty-Distinct Chain-of-Thought (DDCoT) prompting, which divides multimodal reasoning into distinct responsibilities of reasoning and recognition and promotes critical thinking through negative-space prompting.

Key Techniques

  1. Negative-space Prompting: To alleviate hallucinations and ensure critical thinking, DDCoT introduces negative-space prompting. LLMs are prompted to explicitly acknowledge uncertainty in the rationale generation process, thus improving the correctness of generated rationales.
  2. Multimodal Division of Labor: DDCoT delineates responsibilities by prompting LLMs and off-the-shelf visual models to focus on their respective strengths. LLMs handle reasoning, while visual models manage recognition tasks. This division yields more reliable and accurate integration of multimodal input.
  3. Sequential Process: The approach adopted by DDCoT involves a sequence of negative-space prompting, visual recognition, and joint reasoning. This process ensures that multimodal elements are integrated step-by-step, leveraging each modality's strengths effectively.

Utilization Strategies

The generated rationales are incorporated in two ways:

  1. Zero-shot Prompting: By combining problem statements with the generated rationales, LLMs, like GPT-3 and ChatGPT, are guided in a zero-shot learning setting. The critical aspect here is the fidelity of rationales, ensuring high relevance and correctness.
  2. Fine-Tuning Learning: For fine-tuning models like UnifiedQA, the authors propose deep-layer prompting (DLP) and rational-compressed visual embedding (RCVE). DLP assists in the alignment of visual and linguistic semantics across multiple layers, while RCVE compresses visual input embeddings based on generated rationales, facilitating deeper multimodal integration.

Experimental Results and Evaluation

The paper provides compelling numerical results, demonstrating the superiority of DDCoT over state-of-the-art methods. Specifically:

  • Zero-Shot Learning: Compared to traditional CoT models, DDCoT achieves a notable improvement in multimodal reasoning capabilities. For instance, it outperforms GPT-3 and ChatGPT by +2.92% and +1.84% respectively, highlighting the efficacy of the negative-space prompting in enhancing zero-shot performance.
  • Fine-Tuning: When fine-tuning models, DDCoT enhances performance by integrating visual information more coherently, resulting in a significant accuracy improvement (e.g., +17.22% for UnifiedQA).

Moreover, the generalizability of the approach is validated by testing on out-of-distribution problems, where DDCoT consistently outperforms existing methods, underscoring its robustness.

Implications and Future Directions

The practical implications of DDCoT are multifaceted. In zero-shot settings, the clear and accurate rationales aid LLMs in bridging visual and textual data, paving the way for enhanced real-world applications like image captioning, visual question answering (VQA), and more complex tasks necessitating high-level reasoning.

Theoretically, DDCoT provides an insightful approach to tackle the inherent complications in multimodal reasoning. By isolating and assigning distinct duties within the reasoning process, it sets a foundation for future research to explore even more intricate integrations of multimodal information.

Future developments should focus on addressing residual issues such as hallucinations in LLMs and exploring potential biases. Innovations in pre-training techniques for better alignment of vision and language modalities could further boost the effectiveness of methods like DDCoT, making them more versatile and reliable for a broader range of applications.

In conclusion, the DDCoT framework stands as a significant contribution to multimodal reasoning, exemplifying how structured, critical thinking can enhance the capabilities of LLMs. With its promising results and practical applicability, it sets a new standard for integrating multimodal inputs in AI reasoning tasks.

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