Emergent Mind

Reinforcement Learning for SBM Graphon Games with Re-Sampling

Published Oct 25, 2023 in cs.GT and cs.LG


The Mean-Field approximation is a tractable approach for studying large population dynamics. However, its assumption on homogeneity and universal connections among all agents limits its applicability in many real-world scenarios. Multi-Population Mean-Field Game (MP-MFG) models have been introduced in the literature to address these limitations. When the underlying Stochastic Block Model is known, we show that a Policy Mirror Ascent algorithm finds the MP-MFG Nash Equilibrium. In more realistic scenarios where the block model is unknown, we propose a re-sampling scheme from a graphon integrated with the finite N-player MP-MFG model. We develop a novel learning framework based on a Graphon Game with Re-Sampling (GGR-S) model, which captures the complex network structures of agents' connections. We analyze GGR-S dynamics and establish the convergence to dynamics of MP-MFG. Leveraging this result, we propose an efficient sample-based N-player Reinforcement Learning algorithm for GGR-S without population manipulation, and provide a rigorous convergence analysis with finite sample guarantee.

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