Emergent Mind


Building and analysing knowledge graphs (KGs) to aid drug discovery is a topical area of research. A salient feature of KGs is their ability to combine many heterogeneous data sources in a format that facilitates discovering connections. The utility of KGs has been exemplified in areas such as drug repurposing, with insights made through manual exploration and modelling of the data. In this article, we discuss promises and pitfalls of using NLP to mine unstructured text typically from scientific literature as a data source for KGs. This draws on our experience of initially parsing structured data sources such as ChEMBL as the basis for data within a KG, and then enriching or expanding upon them using NLP. The fundamental promise of NLP for KGs is the automated extraction of data from millions of documents a task practically impossible to do via human curation alone. However, there are many potential pitfalls in NLP-KG pipelines such as incorrect named entity recognition and ontology linking all of which could ultimately lead to erroneous inferences and conclusions.

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