Emergent Mind

Mean-square Exponential Stabilization of Mixed-autonomy Traffic PDE System

Published Oct 24, 2023 in math.AP , cs.SY , eess.SY , math.DS , and math.OC


Control of mixed-autonomy traffic where Human-driven Vehicles (HVs) and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) coexist on the road have gained increasing attention over the recent decades. This paper addresses the boundary stabilization problem for mixed traffic on freeways. The traffic dynamics are described by uncertain coupled hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs) with Markov jumping parameters, which aim to address the distinctive driving strategies between AVs and HVs. Considering the spacing policies of AVs vary in the mixed traffic, the stochastic impact area of AVs is governed by a continuous Markov chain. The interactions between HVs and AVs such as overtaking or lane changing are mainly induced by the impact areas. Using backstepping design, we develop a full-state feedback boundary control law to stabilize the deterministic system (nominal system). Applying Lyapunov analysis, we demonstrate that the nominal backstepping control law is able to stabilize the traffic system with Markov jumping parameters, provided the nominal parameters are sufficiently close to the stochastic ones on average. The mean-square exponential stability conditions are derived, and the results are validated by numerical simulations.

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