Emergent Mind


Searches for gravitational wave events use models, or templates, for the signals of interest. The templates used in current searches in the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra (LVK) data model the dominant quadrupole mode $(\ell,m)=(2,2)$ of the signals, and omit sub-dominant higher-order modes (HM) such as $(\ell,m)=(3,3)$, $(4,4)$, which are predicted by general relativity. Hence, these searches could lose sensitivity to black hole mergers in interesting parts of parameter space, such as systems with high-masses and asymmetric mass ratios. We develop a new strategy to include HM in template banks that exploits the natural connection between the modes. We use a combination of post-Newtonian formulae and machine learning tools to model aligned-spin $(3,3)$, $(4,4)$ waveforms corresponding to a given $(2,2)$ waveform. Each of these modes can be individually filtered against the data to yield separate timeseries of signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), which can be combined in a relatively inexpensive way to marginalize over extrinsic parameters of the signals. This leads to a HM search pipeline whose matched-filtering cost is just $\approx 3\times$ that of a quadrupole-only search (in contrast to being $\approx! 100 \times$, as in previously proposed HM search methods). Our method is effectual and is generally applicable for template banks constructed with either stochastic or geometric placement techniques. Additionally, we discuss compression of $(2,2)$-only geometric-placement template banks using machine learning algorithms.

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