Emergent Mind

Linear decomposition of approximate multi-controlled single qubit gates

Published Oct 23, 2023 in quant-ph and cs.ET


We provide a method for compiling approximate multi-controlled single qubit gates into quantum circuits without ancilla qubits. The total number of elementary gates to decompose an n-qubit multi-controlled gate is proportional to 32n, and the previous best approximate approach without auxiliary qubits requires 32nk elementary operations, where k is a function that depends on the error threshold. The proposed decomposition depends on an optimization technique that minimizes the CNOT gate count for multi-target and multi-controlled CNOT and SU(2) gates. Computational experiments show the reduction in the number of CNOT gates to apply multi-controlled U(2) gates. As multi-controlled single-qubit gates serve as fundamental components of quantum algorithms, the proposed decomposition offers a comprehensive solution that can significantly decrease the count of elementary operations employed in quantum computing applications.

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