Emergent Mind

Non-autoregressive Streaming Transformer for Simultaneous Translation

Published Oct 23, 2023 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) models are trained to strike a balance between latency and translation quality. However, training these models to achieve high quality while maintaining low latency often leads to a tendency for aggressive anticipation. We argue that such issue stems from the autoregressive architecture upon which most existing SiMT models are built. To address those issues, we propose non-autoregressive streaming Transformer (NAST) which comprises a unidirectional encoder and a non-autoregressive decoder with intra-chunk parallelism. We enable NAST to generate the blank token or repetitive tokens to adjust its READ/WRITE strategy flexibly, and train it to maximize the non-monotonic latent alignment with an alignment-based latency loss. Experiments on various SiMT benchmarks demonstrate that NAST outperforms previous strong autoregressive SiMT baselines.

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