Emergent Mind

Adaptive Policy with Wait-$k$ Model for Simultaneous Translation

Published Oct 23, 2023 in cs.CL


Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) requires a robust read/write policy in conjunction with a high-quality translation model. Traditional methods rely on either a fixed wait-$k$ policy coupled with a standalone wait-$k$ translation model, or an adaptive policy jointly trained with the translation model. In this study, we propose a more flexible approach by decoupling the adaptive policy model from the translation model. Our motivation stems from the observation that a standalone multi-path wait-$k$ model performs competitively with adaptive policies utilized in state-of-the-art SiMT approaches. Specifically, we introduce DaP, a divergence-based adaptive policy, that makes read/write decisions for any translation model based on the potential divergence in translation distributions resulting from future information. DaP extends a frozen wait-$k$ model with lightweight parameters, and is both memory and computation efficient. Experimental results across various benchmarks demonstrate that our approach offers an improved trade-off between translation accuracy and latency, outperforming strong baselines.

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