Emergent Mind

Player Re-Identification Using Body Part Appearences

Published Oct 23, 2023 in cs.CV


We propose a neural network architecture that learns body part appearances for soccer player re-identification. Our model consists of a two-stream network (one stream for appearance map extraction and the other for body part map extraction) and a bilinear-pooling layer that generates and spatially pools the body part map. Each local feature of the body part map is obtained by a bilinear mapping of the corresponding local appearance and body part descriptors. Our novel representation yields a robust image-matching feature map, which results from combining the local similarities of the relevant body parts with the weighted appearance similarity. Our model does not require any part annotation on the SoccerNet-V3 re-identification dataset to train the network. Instead, we use a sub-network of an existing pose estimation network (OpenPose) to initialize the part substream and then train the entire network to minimize the triplet loss. The appearance stream is pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset, and the part stream is trained from scratch for the SoccerNet-V3 dataset. We demonstrate the validity of our model by showing that it outperforms state-of-the-art models such as OsNet and InceptionNet.

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