Emergent Mind


Software design debt aims to elucidate the rectification attempts of the present design flaws and studies the influence of those to the cost and time of the software. Design smells are a key cause of incurring design debt. Although the impact of design smells on design debt have been predominantly considered in current literature, how design smells are caused due to not following software engineering best practices require more exploration. This research provides a tool which is used for design smell detection in Java software by analyzing large volume of source codes. More specifically, 409,539 Lines of Code (LoC) and 17,760 class files of open source Java software are analyzed here. Obtained results show desirable precision values ranging from 81.01\% to 93.43\%. Based on the output of the tool, a study is conducted to relate the cause of the detected design smells to two software engineering challenges namely "irregular team meetings" and "scope creep". As a result, the gained information will provide insight to the software engineers to take necessary steps of design remediation actions.

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