Emergent Mind


This study analyzes the nonasymptotic convergence behavior of the quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) method with applications to linear elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) with lognormal coefficients. Building upon the error analysis presented in (Owen, 2006), we derive a nonasymptotic convergence estimate depending on the specific integrands, the input dimensionality, and the finite number of samples used in the QMC quadrature. We discuss the effects of the variance and dimensionality of the input random variable. Then, we apply the QMC method with importance sampling (IS) to approximate deterministic, real-valued, bounded linear functionals that depend on the solution of a linear elliptic PDE with a lognormal diffusivity coefficient in bounded domains of $\mathbb{R}d$, where the random coefficient is modeled as a stationary Gaussian random field parameterized by the trigonometric and wavelet-type basis. We propose two types of IS distributions, analyze their effects on the QMC convergence rate, and observe the improvements.

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