Emergent Mind

Online Duet between Metric Embeddings and Minimum-Weight Perfect Matchings

Published Oct 21, 2023 in cs.DS and cs.CG


Low-distortional metric embeddings are a crucial component in the modern algorithmic toolkit. In an online metric embedding, points arrive sequentially and the goal is to embed them into a simple space irrevocably, while minimizing the distortion. Our first result is a deterministic online embedding of a general metric into Euclidean space with distortion $O(\log n)\cdot\min{\sqrt{\log\Phi},\sqrt{n}}$ (or, $O(d)\cdot\min{\sqrt{\log\Phi},\sqrt{n}}$ if the metric has doubling dimension $d$), solving a conjecture by Newman and Rabinovich (2020), and quadratically improving the dependence on the aspect ratio $\Phi$ from Indyk et al.\ (2010). Our second result is a stochastic embedding of a metric space into trees with expected distortion $O(d\cdot \log\Phi)$, generalizing previous results (Indyk et al.\ (2010), Bartal et al.\ (2020)). Next, we study the \emph{online minimum-weight perfect matching} problem, where a sequence of $2n$ metric points arrive in pairs, and one has to maintain a perfect matching at all times. We allow recourse (as otherwise the order of arrival determines the matching). The goal is to return a perfect matching that approximates the \emph{minimum-weight} perfect matching at all times, while minimizing the recourse. Our third result is a randomized algorithm with competitive ratio $O(d\cdot \log \Phi)$ and recourse $O(\log \Phi)$ against an oblivious adversary, this result is obtained via our new stochastic online embedding. Our fourth result is a deterministic algorithm against an adaptive adversary, using $O(\log2 n)$ recourse, that maintains a matching of weight at most $O(\log n)$ times the weight of the MST, i.e., a matching of lightness $O(\log n)$. We complement our upper bounds with a strategy for an oblivious adversary that, with recourse $r$, establishes a lower bound of $\Omega(\frac{\log n}{r \log r})$ for both competitive ratio and lightness.

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