Emergent Mind

Large language models in textual analysis for gesture selection

Published Oct 4, 2023 in cs.HC and cs.AI


Gestures perform a variety of communicative functions that powerfully influence human face-to-face interaction. How this communicative function is achieved varies greatly between individuals and depends on the role of the speaker and the context of the interaction. Approaches to automatic gesture generation vary not only in the degree to which they rely on data-driven techniques but also the degree to which they can produce context and speaker specific gestures. However, these approaches face two major challenges: The first is obtaining sufficient training data that is appropriate for the context and the goal of the application. The second is related to designer control to realize their specific intent for the application. Here, we approach these challenges by using LLMs to show that these powerful models of large amounts of data can be adapted for gesture analysis and generation. Specifically, we used ChatGPT as a tool for suggesting context-specific gestures that can realize designer intent based on minimal prompts. We also find that ChatGPT can suggests novel yet appropriate gestures not present in the minimal training data. The use of LLMs is a promising avenue for gesture generation that reduce the need for laborious annotations and has the potential to flexibly and quickly adapt to different designer intents.

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