Emergent Mind


With the increasing importance of machine learning, the privacy and security of training data have become critical. Federated learning, which stores data in distributed nodes and shares only model parameters, has gained significant attention for addressing this concern. However, a challenge arises in federated learning due to the Byzantine Attack Problem, where malicious local models can compromise the global model's performance during aggregation. This article proposes the Blockchain-based Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning (BRLF) model that combines federated learning with blockchain technology. This integration enables traceability of malicious models and provides incentives for locally trained clients. Our approach involves selecting the aggregation node based on Pearson's correlation coefficient, and we perform spectral clustering and calculate the average gradient within each cluster, validating its accuracy using local dataset of the aggregation nodes. Experimental results on public datasets demonstrate the superior byzantine robustness of our secure aggregation algorithm compared to other baseline byzantine robust aggregation methods, and proved our proposed model effectiveness in addressing the resource consumption problem.

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