Emergent Mind

Advancements in Radar Odometry

Published Oct 19, 2023 in cs.RO


Radar odometry estimation has emerged as a critical technique in the field of autonomous navigation, providing robust and reliable motion estimation under various environmental conditions. Despite its potential, the complex nature of radar signals and the inherent challenges associated with processing these signals have limited the widespread adoption of this technology. This paper aims to address these challenges by proposing novel improvements to an existing method for radar odometry estimation, designed to enhance accuracy and reliability in diverse scenarios. Our pipeline consists of filtering, motion compensation, oriented surface points computation, smoothing, one-to-many radar scan registration, and pose refinement. The developed method enforces local understanding of the scene, by adding additional information through smoothing techniques, and alignment of consecutive scans, as a refinement posterior to the one-to-many registration. We present an in-depth investigation of the contribution of each improvement to the localization accuracy, and we benchmark our system on the sequences of the main datasets for radar understanding, i.e., the Oxford Radar RobotCar, MulRan, and Boreas datasets. The proposed pipeline is able to achieve superior results, on all scenarios considered and under harsh environmental constraints.

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