Emergent Mind


Image classification is a crucial task in modern weed management and crop intervention technologies. However, the limited size, diversity, and balance of existing weed datasets hinder the development of deep learning models for generalizable weed identification. In addition, the expensive labelling requirements of mainstream fully-supervised weed classifiers make them cost- and time-prohibitive to deploy widely, for new weed species, and in site-specific weed management. This paper proposes a novel method for Weed Contrastive Learning through visual Representations (WeedCLR), that uses class-optimized loss with Von Neumann Entropy of deep representation for weed classification in long-tailed datasets. WeedCLR leverages self-supervised learning to learn rich and robust visual features without any labels and applies a class-optimized loss function to address the class imbalance problem in long-tailed datasets. WeedCLR is evaluated on two public weed datasets: CottonWeedID15, containing 15 weed species, and DeepWeeds, containing 8 weed species. WeedCLR achieves an average accuracy improvement of 4.3\% on CottonWeedID15 and 5.6\% on DeepWeeds over previous methods. It also demonstrates better generalization ability and robustness to different environmental conditions than existing methods without the need for expensive and time-consuming human annotations. These significant improvements make WeedCLR an effective tool for weed classification in long-tailed datasets and allows for more rapid and widespread deployment of site-specific weed management and crop intervention technologies.

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