Emergent Mind

EchoScan: Scanning Complex Indoor Geometries via Acoustic Echoes

Published Oct 18, 2023 in cs.SD , eess.AS , and eess.SP


Accurate estimation of indoor space geometries is vital for constructing precise digital twins, whose broad industrial applications include navigation in unfamiliar environments and efficient evacuation planning, particularly in low-light conditions. This study introduces EchoScan, a deep neural network model that utilizes acoustic echoes to perform room geometry inference. Conventional sound-based techniques rely on estimating geometry-related room parameters such as wall position and room size, thereby limiting the diversity of inferable room geometries. Contrarily, EchoScan overcomes this limitation by directly inferring room floorplans and heights, thereby enabling it to handle rooms with arbitrary shapes, including curved walls. The key innovation of EchoScan is its ability to analyze the complex relationship between low- and high-order reflections in room impulse responses (RIRs) using a multi-aggregation module. The analysis of high-order reflections also enables it to infer complex room shapes when echoes are unobservable from the position of an audio device. Herein, EchoScan was trained and evaluated using RIRs synthesized from complex environments, including the Manhattan and Atlanta layouts, employing a practical audio device configuration compatible with commercial, off-the-shelf devices. Compared with vision-based methods, EchoScan demonstrated outstanding geometry estimation performance in rooms with various shapes.

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