Emergent Mind

Sim-to-Real Transfer of Adaptive Control Parameters for AUV Stabilization under Current Disturbance

Published Oct 17, 2023 in cs.RO , cs.AI , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Learning-based adaptive control methods hold the premise of enabling autonomous agents to reduce the effect of process variations with minimal human intervention. However, its application to autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) has so far been restricted due to 1) unknown dynamics under the form of sea current disturbance that we can not model properly nor measure due to limited sensor capability and 2) the nonlinearity of AUVs tasks where the controller response at some operating points must be overly conservative in order to satisfy the specification at other operating points. Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) can alleviates these limitations by training general-purpose neural network policies, but applications of DRL algorithms to AUVs have been restricted to simulated environments, due to their inherent high sample complexity and distribution shift problem. This paper presents a novel approach, merging the Maximum Entropy Deep Reinforcement Learning framework with a classic model-based control architecture, to formulate an adaptive controller. Within this framework, we introduce a Sim-to-Real transfer strategy comprising the following components: a bio-inspired experience replay mechanism, an enhanced domain randomisation technique, and an evaluation protocol executed on a physical platform. Our experimental assessments demonstrate that this method effectively learns proficient policies from suboptimal simulated models of the AUV, resulting in control performance 3 times higher when transferred to a real-world vehicle, compared to its model-based nonadaptive but optimal counterpart.

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