Emergent Mind

Dynamic quantum circuit compilation

Published Oct 17, 2023 in quant-ph and cs.PL


Quantum computing has shown tremendous promise in addressing complex computational problems, yet its practical realization is hindered by the limited availability of qubits for computation. Recent advancements in quantum hardware have introduced mid-circuit measurements and resets, enabling the reuse of measured qubits and significantly reducing the qubit requirements for executing quantum algorithms. In this work, we present a systematic study of dynamic quantum circuit compilation, a process that transforms static quantum circuits into their dynamic equivalents with a reduced qubit count through qubit-reuse. We establish the first general framework for optimizing the dynamic circuit compilation via graph manipulation. In particular, we completely characterize the optimal quantum circuit compilation using binary integer programming, provide efficient algorithms for determining whether a given quantum circuit can be reduced to a smaller circuit and present heuristic algorithms for devising dynamic compilation schemes in general. Furthermore, we conduct a thorough analysis of quantum circuits with practical relevance, offering optimal compilations for well-known quantum algorithms in quantum computation, ansatz circuits utilized in quantum machine learning, and measurement-based quantum computation crucial for quantum networking. We also perform a comparative analysis against state-of-the-art approaches, demonstrating the superior performance of our methods in both structured and random quantum circuits. Our framework lays a rigorous foundation for comprehending dynamic quantum circuit compilation via qubit-reuse, bridging the gap between theoretical quantum algorithms and their physical implementation on quantum computers with limited resources.

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