Emergent Mind


Deep generative models have shown tremendous success in data density estimation and data generation from finite samples. While these models have shown impressive performance by learning correlations among features in the data, some fundamental shortcomings are their lack of explainability, the tendency to induce spurious correlations, and poor out-of-distribution extrapolation. In an effort to remedy such challenges, one can incorporate the theory of causality in deep generative modeling. Structural causal models (SCMs) describe data-generating processes and model complex causal relationships and mechanisms among variables in a system. Thus, SCMs can naturally be combined with deep generative models. Causal models offer several beneficial properties to deep generative models, such as distribution shift robustness, fairness, and interoperability. We provide a technical survey on causal generative modeling categorized into causal representation learning and controllable counterfactual generation methods. We focus on fundamental theory, formulations, drawbacks, datasets, metrics, and applications of causal generative models in fairness, privacy, out-of-distribution generalization, and precision medicine. We also discuss open problems and fruitful research directions for future work in the field.

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