Emergent Mind

Soft-output (SO) GRAND and long, low rate codes to outperform 5 LDPCs

Published Oct 16, 2023 in cs.IT and math.IT


We establish that a large and flexible class of long, high redundancy error correcting codes can be efficiently and accurately decoded with guessing random additive noise decoding (GRAND). Performance evaluation demonstrates that it is possible to construct simple concatenated codes that outperform low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes found in the 5G New Radio standard. The concatenated structure enables many desirable features, including: low-complexity hardware-friendly encoding and decoding; high levels of flexibility in length and rate through modularity; and high levels of parallelism in encoding and decoding that enable low latency. Central to this is the development of a method through which any soft-input (SI) GRAND algorithm can provide soft-output (SO) in the form of an accurate a-posteriori estimate of the likelihood that a decoding is correct or, in the case of list decoding, the likelihood that each element of the list is correct. The key distinguishing feature of SOGRAND in comparison to other methods is the provision of an estimate that the correct decoding has not been found, even when providing a single decoding. That per-block SO can be converted into accurate per-bit SO by a weighted sum that includes a term for the SI. Crucially, implementing SOGRAND adds negligible computation and memory to the existing decoding process, and using it results in a practical alternative to LDPC codes.

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