Emergent Mind


LLMs excel in abstractive summarization tasks, delivering fluent and pertinent summaries. Recent advancements have extended their capabilities to handle long-input contexts, exceeding 100k tokens. However, in question answering, language models exhibit uneven utilization of their input context. They tend to favor the initial and final segments, resulting in a U-shaped performance pattern concerning where the answer is located within the input. This bias raises concerns, particularly in summarization where crucial content may be dispersed throughout the source document(s). Besides, in summarization, mapping facts from the source to the summary is not trivial as salient content is usually re-phrased. In this paper, we conduct the first comprehensive study on context utilization and position bias in summarization. Our analysis encompasses 5 LLMs, 10 datasets, and 5 evaluation metrics. We introduce a new evaluation benchmark called MiddleSum on the which we benchmark two alternative inference methods to alleviate position bias: hierarchical summarization and incremental summarization.

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