Emergent Mind

AdaLomo: Low-memory Optimization with Adaptive Learning Rate

Published Oct 16, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.CL


Large language models have achieved remarkable success, but their extensive parameter size necessitates substantial memory for training, thereby setting a high threshold. While the recently proposed low-memory optimization (LOMO) reduces memory footprint, its optimization technique, akin to stochastic gradient descent, is sensitive to hyper-parameters and exhibits suboptimal convergence, failing to match the performance of the prevailing optimizer for LLMs, AdamW. Through empirical analysis of the Adam optimizer, we found that, compared to momentum, the adaptive learning rate is more critical for bridging the gap. Building on this insight, we introduce the low-memory optimization with adaptive learning rate (AdaLomo), which offers an adaptive learning rate for each parameter. To maintain memory efficiency, we employ non-negative matrix factorization for the second-order moment estimation in the optimizer state. Additionally, we suggest the use of a grouped update normalization to stabilize convergence. Our experiments with instruction-tuning and further pre-training demonstrate that AdaLomo achieves results on par with AdamW, while significantly reducing memory requirements, thereby lowering the hardware barrier to training LLMs.

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