Emergent Mind


Previous studies have revealed that AI systems are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Among them, model extraction attacks fool the target model by generating adversarial examples on a substitute model. The core of such an attack is training a substitute model as similar to the target model as possible, where the simulation process can be categorized in a data-dependent and data-free manner. Compared with the data-dependent method, the data-free one has been proven to be more practical in the real world since it trains the substitute model with synthesized data. However, the distribution of these fake data lacks diversity and cannot detect the decision boundary of the target model well, resulting in the dissatisfactory simulation effect. Besides, these data-free techniques need a vast number of queries to train the substitute model, increasing the time and computing consumption and the risk of exposure. To solve the aforementioned problems, in this paper, we propose a novel data-free model extraction method named SCME (Self-Contrastive Model Extraction), which considers both the inter- and intra-class diversity in synthesizing fake data. In addition, SCME introduces the Mixup operation to augment the fake data, which can explore the target model's decision boundary effectively and improve the simulating capacity. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method can yield diversified fake data. Moreover, our method has shown superiority in many different attack settings under the query-limited scenario, especially for untargeted attacks, the SCME outperforms SOTA methods by 11.43\% on average for five baseline datasets.

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