Emergent Mind


Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) aims to map entities and relations of a knowledge graph (KG) into a low-dimensional and dense vector space via contrasting the positive and negative triples. In the training process of KGEs, negative sampling is essential to find high-quality negative triples since KGs only contain positive triples. Most existing negative sampling methods assume that non-existent triples with high scores are high-quality negative triples. However, negative triples sampled by these methods are likely to contain noise. Specifically, they ignore that non-existent triples with high scores might also be true facts due to the incompleteness of KGs, which are usually called false negative triples. To alleviate the above issue, we propose an easily pluggable denoising mixup method called DeMix, which generates high-quality triples by refining sampled negative triples in a self-supervised manner. Given a sampled unlabeled triple, DeMix firstly classifies it into a marginal pseudo-negative triple or a negative triple based on the judgment of the KGE model itself. Secondly, it selects an appropriate mixup partner for the current triple to synthesize a partially positive or a harder negative triple. Experimental results on the knowledge graph completion task show that the proposed DeMix is superior to other negative sampling techniques, ensuring corresponding KGEs a faster convergence and better link prediction results.

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