Emergent Mind

Safe Region Multi-Agent Formation Control With Velocity Tracking

Published Oct 14, 2023 in cs.MA , cs.SY , and eess.SY


This paper provides a solution to the problem of safe region formation control with reference velocity tracking for a second-order multi-agent system without velocity measurements. Safe region formation control is a control problem where the agents are expected to attain the desired formation while reaching the target region and simultaneously ensuring collision and obstacle avoidance. To tackle this control problem, we break it down into two distinct objectives: safety and region formation control, to provide a completely distributed algorithm. Region formation control is modeled as a high-level abstract objective, whereas safety and actuator saturation are modeled as a low-level objective designed independently, without any knowledge of the former, and being minimally invasive. Our approach incorporates connectivity preservation, actuator saturation, safety considerations, and lack of velocity measurement from other agents with second-order system dynamics which are important constraints in practical applications. Both internal safety for collision avoidance among agents and external safety for avoiding unsafe regions are ensured using exponential control barrier functions. We provide theoretical results for asymptotic convergence and numerical simulation to show the approach's effectiveness.

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