Emergent Mind

A Framework For Automated Dissection Along Tissue Boundary

Published Oct 14, 2023 in cs.RO


Robotic surgery promises enhanced precision and adaptability over traditional surgical methods. It also offers the possibility of automating surgical interventions, resulting in reduced stress on the surgeon, better surgical outcomes, and lower costs. Cholecystectomy, the removal of the gallbladder, serves as an ideal model procedure for automation due to its distinct and well-contrasted anatomical features between the gallbladder and liver, along with standardized surgical maneuvers. Dissection is a frequently used subtask in cholecystectomy where the surgeon delivers the energy on the hook to detach the gallbladder from the liver. Hence, dissection along tissue boundaries is a good candidate for surgical automation. For the da Vinci surgical robot to perform the same procedure as a surgeon automatically, it needs to have the ability to (1) recognize and distinguish between the two different tissues (e.g. the liver and the gallbladder), (2) understand where the boundary between the two tissues is located in the 3D workspace, (3) locate the instrument tip relative to the boundary in the 3D space using visual feedback, and (4) move the instrument along the boundary. This paper presents a novel framework that addresses these challenges through AI-assisted image processing and vision-based robot control. We also present the ex-vivo evaluation of the automated procedure on chicken and pork liver specimens that demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

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