Emergent Mind


Autoregressive~(AR) generation almost dominates sequence generation for its efficacy. Recently, non-autoregressive~(NAR) generation gains increasing popularity for its efficiency and growing efficacy. However, its efficiency is still bottlenecked by quadratic complexity in sequence lengths, which is prohibitive for scaling to long sequence generation and few works have been done to mitigate this problem. In this paper, we propose a novel MLP variant, \textbf{A}ttentive \textbf{M}ulti-\textbf{L}ayer \textbf{P}erceptron~(AMLP), to produce a generation model with linear time and space complexity. Different from classic MLP with static and learnable projection matrices, AMLP leverages adaptive projections computed from inputs in an attentive mode. The sample-aware adaptive projections enable communications among tokens in a sequence, and model the measurement between the query and key space. Furthermore, we marry AMLP with popular NAR models, deriving a highly efficient NAR-AMLP architecture with linear time and space complexity. Empirical results show that such marriage architecture surpasses competitive efficient NAR models, by a significant margin on text-to-speech synthesis and machine translation. We also test AMLP's self- and cross-attention ability separately with extensive ablation experiments, and find them comparable or even superior to the other efficient models. The efficiency analysis further shows that AMLP extremely reduces the memory cost against vanilla non-autoregressive models for long sequences.

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