Emergent Mind


Recent literature in the field of ML control has shown promising theoretical results for a Deep Neural Network (DNN) based Nonlinear Adaptive Controller (DNAC) capable of achieving trajectory tracking for nonlinear systems. Expanding on this work, this paper applies DNAC to the Attitude Control System (ACS) of a quadrotor and shows improvement to attitude control performance under disturbed flying conditions where the model uncertainty is high. Moreover, these results are noteworthy for ML control because they were achieved with no prior training data and an arbitrary system dynamics initialization; simply put, the controller presented in this paper is practically modelless, yet yields the ability to force trajectory tracking for nonlinear systems while rejecting significant undesirable model disturbances learned through a DNN. The combination of ML techniques to learn a system's dynamics and the Lyapunov analysis required to provide stability guarantees leads to a controller with applications in safety-critical systems that may undergo uncertain model changes, as is the case for most aerial systems. Experimental findings are analyzed in the final section of this paper, and DNAC is shown to outperform the trajectory tracking capabilities of PID, MRAC, and the recently developed Deep Model Reference Adaptive Control (DMRAC) schemes.

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