Emergent Mind

Extending Multi-modal Contrastive Representations

Published Oct 13, 2023 in cs.CV


Multi-modal contrastive representation (MCR) of more than three modalities is critical in multi-modal learning. Although recent methods showcase impressive achievements, the high dependence on large-scale, high-quality paired data and the expensive training costs limit their further development. Inspired by recent C-MCR, this paper proposes Extending Multimodal Contrastive Representation (Ex-MCR), a training-efficient and paired-data-free method to flexibly learn unified contrastive representation space for more than three modalities by integrating the knowledge of existing MCR spaces. Specifically, Ex-MCR aligns multiple existing MCRs into the same based MCR, which can effectively preserve the original semantic alignment of the based MCR. Besides, we comprehensively enhance the entire learning pipeline for aligning MCR spaces from the perspectives of training data, architecture, and learning objectives. With the preserved original modality alignment and the enhanced space alignment, Ex-MCR shows superior representation learning performance and excellent modality extensibility. To demonstrate the effectiveness of Ex-MCR, we align the MCR spaces of CLAP (audio-text) and ULIP (3D-vision) into the CLIP (vision-text), leveraging the overlapping text and image modality, respectively. Remarkably, without using any paired data, Ex-MCR learns a 3D-image-text-audio unified contrastive representation, and it achieves state-of-the-art performance on audio-visual, 3D-image, audio-text, visual-text retrieval, and 3D object classification tasks. More importantly, extensive qualitative results further demonstrate the emergent semantic alignment between the extended modalities (e.g., audio and 3D), which highlights the great potential of modality extensibility.

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