Emergent Mind


Question Answering (QA) systems on patient-related data can assist both clinicians and patients. They can, for example, assist clinicians in decision-making and enable patients to have a better understanding of their medical history. Significant amounts of patient data are stored in Electronic Health Records (EHRs), making EHR QA an important research area. In EHR QA, the answer is obtained from the medical record of the patient. Because of the differences in data format and modality, this differs greatly from other medical QA tasks that employ medical websites or scientific papers to retrieve answers, making it critical to research EHR question answering. This study aimed to provide a methodological review of existing works on QA over EHRs. We searched for articles from January 1st, 2005 to September 30th, 2023 in four digital sources including Google Scholar, ACL Anthology, ACM Digital Library, and PubMed to collect relevant publications on EHR QA. 4111 papers were identified for our study, and after screening based on our inclusion criteria, we obtained a total of 47 papers for further study. Out of the 47 papers, 25 papers were about EHR QA datasets, and 37 papers were about EHR QA models. It was observed that QA on EHRs is relatively new and unexplored. Most of the works are fairly recent. Also, it was observed that emrQA is by far the most popular EHR QA dataset, both in terms of citations and usage in other papers. Furthermore, we identified the different models used in EHR QA along with the evaluation metrics used for these models.

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