Emergent Mind


Safe autonomous driving critically depends on how well the ego-vehicle can predict the trajectories of neighboring vehicles. To this end, several trajectory prediction algorithms have been presented in the existing literature. Many of these approaches output a multi-modal distribution of obstacle trajectories instead of a single deterministic prediction to account for the underlying uncertainty. However, existing planners cannot handle the multi-modality based on just sample-level information of the predictions. With this motivation, this paper proposes a trajectory optimizer that can leverage the distributional aspects of the prediction in a computationally tractable and sample-efficient manner. Our optimizer can work with arbitrarily complex distributions and thus can be used with output distribution represented as a deep neural network. The core of our approach is built on embedding distribution in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), which we leverage in two ways. First, we propose an RKHS embedding approach to select probable samples from the obstacle trajectory distribution. Second, we rephrase chance-constrained optimization as distribution matching in RKHS and propose a novel sampling-based optimizer for its solution. We validate our approach with hand-crafted and neural network-based predictors trained on real-world datasets and show improvement over the existing stochastic optimization approaches in safety metrics.

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