Emergent Mind

Dependency Practices for Vulnerability Mitigation

Published Oct 11, 2023 in cs.SE


Relying on dependency packages accelerates software development, but it also increases the exposure to security vulnerabilities that may be present in dependencies. While developers have full control over which dependency packages (and which version) they use, they have no control over the dependencies of their dependencies. Such transitive dependencies, which often amount to a greater number than direct dependencies, can become infected with vulnerabilities and put software projects at risk. To mitigate this risk, Practitioners need to select dependencies that respond quickly to vulnerabilities to prevent the propagation of vulnerable code to their project. To identify such dependencies, we analyze more than 450 vulnerabilities in the npm ecosystem to understand why dependent packages remain vulnerable. We identify over 200,000 npm packages that are infected through their dependencies and use 9 features to build a prediction model that identifies packages that quickly adopt the vulnerability fix and prevent further propagation of vulnerabilities. We also study the relationship between these features and the response speed of vulnerable packages. We complement our work with a practitioner survey to understand the applicability of our findings. Developers can incorporate our findings into their dependency management practices to mitigate the impact of vulnerabilities from their dependency supply chain.

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