Emergent Mind

Molecule-Edit Templates for Efficient and Accurate Retrosynthesis Prediction

Published Oct 11, 2023 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Retrosynthesis involves determining a sequence of reactions to synthesize complex molecules from simpler precursors. As this poses a challenge in organic chemistry, machine learning has offered solutions, particularly for predicting possible reaction substrates for a given target molecule. These solutions mainly fall into template-based and template-free categories. The former is efficient but relies on a vast set of predefined reaction patterns, while the latter, though more flexible, can be computationally intensive and less interpretable. To address these issues, we introduce METRO (Molecule-Edit Templates for RetrOsynthesis), a machine-learning model that predicts reactions using minimal templates - simplified reaction patterns capturing only essential molecular changes - reducing computational overhead and achieving state-of-the-art results on standard benchmarks.

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