Emergent Mind


The shift to online computing for real-time visual localization often requires streaming query images/videos to a server for visual place recognition (VPR), where fast video transmission may result in reduced resolution or increased quantization. This compromises the quality of global image descriptors, leading to decreased VPR performance. To improve the low recall rate for low-quality query images, we present a simple yet effective method that uses high-quality queries only during training to distill better feature representations for deep-learning-based VPR, such as NetVLAD. Specifically, we use mean squared error (MSE) loss between the global descriptors of queries with different qualities, and inter-channel correlation knowledge distillation (ICKD) loss over their corresponding intermediate features. We validate our approach using the both Pittsburgh 250k dataset and our own indoor dataset with varying quantization levels. By fine-tuning NetVLAD parameters with our distillation-augmented losses, we achieve notable VPR recall-rate improvements over low-quality queries, as demonstrated in our extensive experimental results. We believe this work not only pushes forward the VPR research but also provides valuable insights for applications needing dependable place recognition under resource-limited conditions.

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