Emergent Mind

Wait-free Trees with Asymptotically-Efficient Range Queries

Published Oct 8, 2023 in cs.DB , cs.DC , and cs.DS


Tree data structures, such as red-black trees, quad trees, treaps, or tries, are fundamental tools in computer science. A classical problem in concurrency is to obtain expressive, efficient, and scalable versions of practical tree data structures. We are interested in concurrent trees supporting range queries, i.e., queries that involve multiple consecutive data items. Existing implementations with this capability can list keys in a specific range, but do not support aggregate range queries: for instance, if we want to calculate the number of keys in a range, the only choice is to retrieve a whole list and return its size. This is suboptimal: in the sequential setting, one can augment a balanced search tree with counters and, consequently, perform these aggregate requests in logarithmic rather than linear time. In this paper, we propose a generic approach to implement a broad class of range queries on concurrent trees in a way that is wait-free, asymptotically efficient, and practically scalable. The key idea is a new mechanism for maintaining metadata concurrently at tree nodes, which can be seen as a wait-free variant of hand-over-hand locking (which we call hand-over-hand helping). We implement, test, and benchmark a balanced binary search tree with wait-free insert, delete, contains, and count operations, returning the number of keys in a given range which validates the expected speedups because of our method in practice.

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