Emergent Mind

Model-adapted Fourier sampling for generative compressed sensing

Published Oct 8, 2023 in cs.IT , cs.LG , eess.SP , math.IT , math.PR , and stat.ML


We study generative compressed sensing when the measurement matrix is randomly subsampled from a unitary matrix (with the DFT as an important special case). It was recently shown that $\textit{O}(kdn| \boldsymbol{\alpha}|{\infty}{2})$ uniformly random Fourier measurements are sufficient to recover signals in the range of a neural network $G:\mathbb{R}k \to \mathbb{R}n$ of depth $d$, where each component of the so-called local coherence vector $\boldsymbol{\alpha}$ quantifies the alignment of a corresponding Fourier vector with the range of $G$. We construct a model-adapted sampling strategy with an improved sample complexity of $\textit{O}(kd| \boldsymbol{\alpha}|{2}{2})$ measurements. This is enabled by: (1) new theoretical recovery guarantees that we develop for nonuniformly random sampling distributions and then (2) optimizing the sampling distribution to minimize the number of measurements needed for these guarantees. This development offers a sample complexity applicable to natural signal classes, which are often almost maximally coherent with low Fourier frequencies. Finally, we consider a surrogate sampling scheme, and validate its performance in recovery experiments using the CelebA dataset.

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