Emergent Mind

Knolling Bot: Learning Robotic Object Arrangement from Tidy Demonstrations

Published Oct 6, 2023 in cs.RO , cs.AI , cs.CV , and cs.LG


Addressing the challenge of organizing scattered items in domestic spaces is complicated by the diversity and subjective nature of tidiness. Just as the complexity of human language allows for multiple expressions of the same idea, household tidiness preferences and organizational patterns vary widely, so presetting object locations would limit the adaptability to new objects and environments. Inspired by advancements in NLP, this paper introduces a self-supervised learning framework that allows robots to understand and replicate the concept of tidiness from demonstrations of well-organized layouts, akin to using conversational datasets to train LLMs(LLM). We leverage a transformer neural network to predict the placement of subsequent objects. We demonstrate a ``knolling'' system with a robotic arm and an RGB camera to organize items of varying sizes and quantities on a table. Our method not only trains a generalizable concept of tidiness, enabling the model to provide diverse solutions and adapt to different numbers of objects, but it can also incorporate human preferences to generate customized tidy tables without explicit target positions for each object.

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