Emergent Mind

Why Do We Need Weight Decay in Modern Deep Learning?

Published Oct 6, 2023 in cs.LG


Weight decay is a broadly used technique for training state-of-the-art deep networks, including LLMs. Despite its widespread usage, its role remains poorly understood. In this work, we highlight that the role of weight decay in modern deep learning is different from its regularization effect studied in classical learning theory. For overparameterized deep networks, we show how weight decay modifies the optimization dynamics enhancing the ever-present implicit regularization of SGD via the loss stabilization mechanism. In contrast, for underparameterized LLMs trained with nearly online SGD, we describe how weight decay balances the bias-variance tradeoff in stochastic optimization leading to lower training loss. Moreover, we show that weight decay also prevents sudden loss divergences for bfloat16 mixed-precision training which is a crucial tool for LLM training. Overall, we present a unifying perspective from ResNets on vision tasks to LLMs: weight decay is never useful as an explicit regularizer but instead changes the training dynamics in a desirable way. Our code is available at https://github.com/tml-epfl/why-weight-decay.

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