Emergent Mind


Data-driven modeling can suffer from a constant demand for data, leading to reduced accuracy and impractical for engineering applications due to the high cost and scarcity of information. To address this challenge, we propose a progressive reduced order modeling framework that minimizes data cravings and enhances data-driven modeling's practicality. Our approach selectively transfers knowledge from previously trained models through gates, similar to how humans selectively use valuable knowledge while ignoring unuseful information. By filtering relevant information from previous models, we can create a surrogate model with minimal turnaround time and a smaller training set that can still achieve high accuracy. We have tested our framework in several cases, including transport in porous media, gravity-driven flow, and finite deformation in hyperelastic materials. Our results illustrate that retaining information from previous models and utilizing a valuable portion of that knowledge can significantly improve the accuracy of the current model. We have demonstrated the importance of progressive knowledge transfer and its impact on model accuracy with reduced training samples. For instance, our framework with four parent models outperforms the no-parent counterpart trained on data nine times larger. Our research unlocks data-driven modeling's potential for practical engineering applications by mitigating the data scarcity issue. Our proposed framework is a significant step toward more efficient and cost-effective data-driven modeling, fostering advancements across various fields.

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