Emergent Mind


Text-driven 3D indoor scene generation could be useful for gaming, film industry, and AR/VR applications. However, existing methods cannot faithfully capture the room layout, nor do they allow flexible editing of individual objects in the room. To address these problems, we present Ctrl-Room, which is able to generate convincing 3D rooms with designer-style layouts and high-fidelity textures from just a text prompt. Moreover, Ctrl-Room enables versatile interactive editing operations such as resizing or moving individual furniture items. Our key insight is to separate the modeling of layouts and appearance. %how to model the room that takes into account both scene texture and geometry at the same time. To this end, Our proposed method consists of two stages, a Layout Generation Stage' and anAppearance Generation Stage'. The Layout Generation Stage' trains a text-conditional diffusion model to learn the layout distribution with our holistic scene code parameterization. Next, theAppearance Generation Stage' employs a fine-tuned ControlNet to produce a vivid panoramic image of the room guided by the 3D scene layout and text prompt. In this way, we achieve a high-quality 3D room with convincing layouts and lively textures. Benefiting from the scene code parameterization, we can easily edit the generated room model through our mask-guided editing module, without expensive editing-specific training. Extensive experiments on the Structured3D dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms existing methods in producing more reasonable, view-consistent, and editable 3D rooms from natural language prompts.

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