Emergent Mind

OpenPatch: a 3D patchwork for Out-Of-Distribution detection

Published Oct 5, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.LG


Moving deep learning models from the laboratory setting to the open world entails preparing them to handle unforeseen conditions. In several applications the occurrence of novel classes during deployment poses a significant threat, thus it is crucial to effectively detect them. Ideally, this skill should be used when needed without requiring any further computational training effort at every new task. Out-of-distribution detection has attracted significant attention in the last years, however the majority of the studies deal with 2D images ignoring the inherent 3D nature of the real-world and often confusing between domain and semantic novelty. In this work, we focus on the latter, considering the objects geometric structure captured by 3D point clouds regardless of the specific domain. We advance the field by introducing OpenPatch that builds on a large pre-trained model and simply extracts from its intermediate features a set of patch representations that describe each known class. For any new sample, we obtain a novelty score by evaluating whether it can be recomposed mainly by patches of a single known class or rather via the contribution of multiple classes. We present an extensive experimental evaluation of our approach for the task of semantic novelty detection on real-world point cloud samples when the reference known data are synthetic. We demonstrate that OpenPatch excels in both the full and few-shot known sample scenarios, showcasing its robustness across varying pre-training objectives and network backbones. The inherent training-free nature of our method allows for its immediate application to a wide array of real-world tasks, offering a compelling advantage over approaches that need expensive retraining efforts.

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