Emergent Mind


The use of deep learning methods to automatically detect students' classroom behavior is a promising approach for analyzing their class performance and improving teaching effectiveness. However, the lack of publicly available datasets on student behavior poses a challenge for researchers in this field. To address this issue, we propose the Student Classroom Behavior dataset (SCB-dataset3), which represents real-life scenarios. Our dataset comprises 5686 images with 45578 labels, focusing on six behaviors: hand-raising, reading, writing, using a phone, bowing the head, and leaning over the table. We evaluated the dataset using the YOLOv5, YOLOv7, and YOLOv8 algorithms, achieving a mean average precision (map) of up to 80.3$\%$. We believe that our dataset can serve as a robust foundation for future research in student behavior detection and contribute to advancements in this field. Our SCB-dataset3 is available for download at: https://github.com/Whiffe/SCB-dataset

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