Emergent Mind

Tuning Large language model for End-to-end Speech Translation

Published Oct 3, 2023 in cs.CL and cs.CV


With the emergence of LLMs, multimodal models based on LLMs have demonstrated significant potential. Models such as LLaSM, X-LLM, and SpeechGPT exhibit an impressive ability to comprehend and generate human instructions. However, their performance often falters when faced with complex tasks like end-to-end speech translation (E2E-ST), a cross-language and cross-modal translation task. In comparison to single-modal models, multimodal models lag behind in these scenarios. This paper introduces LST, a Large multimodal model designed to excel at the E2E-ST task. LST consists of a speech frontend, an adapter, and a LLM backend. The training of LST consists of two stages: (1) Modality adjustment, where the adapter is tuned to align speech representation with text embedding space, and (2) Downstream task fine-tuning, where both the adapter and LLM model are trained to optimize performance on the E2EST task. Experimental results on the MuST-C speech translation benchmark demonstrate that LST-13B achieves BLEU scores of 30.39/41.55/35.33 on En-De/En-Fr/En-Es language pairs, surpassing previous models and establishing a new state-of-the-art. Additionally, we conduct an in-depth analysis of single-modal model selection and the impact of training strategies, which lays the foundation for future research. We will open up our code and models after review.

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