Emergent Mind


Reversible systems feature both forward computations and backward computations, where the latter undo the effects of the former in a causally consistent manner. The compositionality properties and equational characterizations of strong and weak variants of forward-reverse bisimilarity as well as of its two components, i.e., forward bisimilarity and reverse bisimilarity, have been investigated on a minimal process calculus for nondeterministic reversible systems that are sequential, so as to be neutral with respect to interleaving vs. truly concurrent semantics of parallel composition. In this paper we provide logical characterizations for the considered bisimilarities based on forward and backward modalities, which reveals that strong and weak reverse bisimilarities respectively correspond to strong and weak reverse trace equivalences. Moreover, we establish a clear connection between weak forward-reverse bisimilarity and branching bisimilarity, so that the former inherits two further logical characterizations from the latter over a specific class of processes.

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