Emergent Mind


Current successful methods of 3D scene perception rely on the large-scale annotated point cloud, which is tedious and expensive to acquire. In this paper, we propose Model2Scene, a novel paradigm that learns free 3D scene representation from Computer-Aided Design (CAD) models and languages. The main challenges are the domain gaps between the CAD models and the real scene's objects, including model-to-scene (from a single model to the scene) and synthetic-to-real (from synthetic model to real scene's object). To handle the above challenges, Model2Scene first simulates a crowded scene by mixing data-augmented CAD models. Next, we propose a novel feature regularization operation, termed Deep Convex-hull Regularization (DCR), to project point features into a unified convex hull space, reducing the domain gap. Ultimately, we impose contrastive loss on language embedding and the point features of CAD models to pre-train the 3D network. Extensive experiments verify the learned 3D scene representation is beneficial for various downstream tasks, including label-free 3D object salient detection, label-efficient 3D scene perception and zero-shot 3D semantic segmentation. Notably, Model2Scene yields impressive label-free 3D object salient detection with an average mAP of 46.08\% and 55.49\% on the ScanNet and S3DIS datasets, respectively. The code will be publicly available.

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